Josh Pharmacy

Frequently Asked Questions
All You Wanted to Know And More
Do generic medications work the same as brand-name medications?
Yes! An authorized generic is considered to be therapeutically equivalent to its brand-name drug because it is the same drug. Generic medications are required to be the same as a brand-name medication in dosage, safety, effectiveness, strength, stability, and quality, as well as in the way it is taken. Generic medications also have the same risks and benefits as their brand-name counterparts.
Will my insurance cover any prescription medicine I purchase?
Nearly all health plans cover medically necessary prescription drugs. Health plans usually have a list of drugs they have already approved for coverage. This list is called a formulary. Health plans often place drugs into different drug tiers on the formulary. If you need a drug that is not in your health plan's formulary, you must get your plan's approval or pay for the drug out-of-pocket. Some health plans require step therapy. This means that you have to try a drug that is on the formulary before you can get a drug that is not on the formulary.
Does it really matter what time of day you take medications?
Yes, a dosing schedule is important, because every medication that you take has a specific dosing schedule--once a day, three times a day, before meals, etc. You should try to take your medication at the same time every day for the most beneficial effect of that medication.